Sunday, March 9, 2014


Welcome to Mrs. Karrels' Kindergarten!  I initially created this page this summer as a way to keep parents connected to my classroom.  Being that it's early March, and I'm just now creating my first post, it's obvious that I gave up pretty quickly! (I decided to create a Facebook page for my classroom instead.)  That being said, I'm in my final semester of graduate school for a masters in reading education, and via my reading technology course, I'm exploring/experimenting with creating a classroom blog once again.  Stay tuned for posts about classroom happenings, newsletters, pictures, calendar updates, and more! :)


  1. It is good to see that you are now giving it a shot. Do you think that facebook is a better place to get parents connected? Is it just as easy to navigate or better for parents? I thought about adding a facebook page for my parents, but feel that some parents may not feel safe on that site. Have you had any parents question it?

  2. Hi Jamie! Thanks for the encouragement...I definitely need it with everything else under my belt! :) I still want to play around with the fonts and colors and stuff....
    Personally, I really like the Facebook page. A lot of parents already have an account so it's natural for them to access it. I have it set up as a private page so that they have to ask permission to join and only page members can see the posts and pictures. But, just to cover my bases, all of my students do have a signed media release! :)

  3. I have been wondering the same thing about the difference between using Facebook and blogging. I am thinking that next year, during open house, I'll have my parents sign in with their emails right away and then that way I can have our blog update automatically go to their email, just like Facebook updates would.

    What are some other successes you have seen with Facebook for your classroom?
